Saturday, April 5, 2008

Me and my family

Before i write any real blogs let me tell u a little about me and who i am and just some things about me if u don't already know me that well. So here i go. I'm 21 years old and my birthdate is july 17, 1987 so now in the future if u read this u can figure out my age whenever u read this and i'm always happy to recieve money as a gift if u feel obligated to give me a birthday present. I'm datin an awsome girl right now that goes by the name of Elyssa Nicole Taflinger we've been datin for almost 9 months and its truely been a blessing for me. But i'm gonna get a job this summer. I plan on goin back to school in the fall at Ivy Tech in bloomington but i don't know if it will happen yet.
I'm a pretty easy goin guy I like to have fun obviously cause I mean honestly who doesn't unless your a psycho maybe but anyway I enjoy watchin the dallas cowboys durin football season and the cincinnati reds durin baseball season I also enjoy watchin nascar, my favorite driver is Tony Stewart. i also enjoy playin poker with friends and family when i have the money to play and we're all free to play. i like to game it up on xbox 360 even though i don't have one myself. I enjoy workin out when i do work out which ain't as much as i should but maybe i'll step it up one day. i like to be outdoors in the spring and summer playin baseball or softball or basketball just whatever i enjoy bein outside bein active pretty much. And i like to eat and i can eat a lot. I like to watch t.v. and movies. My favorite t.v. shows are The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Everybody Loves Raymond, Tool Time, Yes Dear, and King of Queens. A few of my favorite movies are all the Rocky's, 300, The Simpsons Movie, and all the Major Leagues. Those are just a few but pretty much sports movies and action movies are what i like to watch. My favorite sport to watch is Football and as i mentioned before the Dallas Cowboys are my favorite team and my favorite sport to play is Baseball and again as i mentioned before my favorite team is the Cincinnati Reds.
A little bit more about me. I'm a struggling christian meaning that i believe God sent his son Jesus Christ to come and die on the cross for the world's sin and be risin again but i often times find myself giving in to temptation. I struggle with cussing when i'm at school cause all my buddies at school cuss and i hear myself sayin the same stuff as they do. i've done a lot of things in my life that i know i shouldn't but yet at the same time i don't regret anything i've done b/c if i hadn't done those things then i wouldn't be the person i am today. i try to learn from my mistakes and i try to see the good in every situation which often times i choose to complain instead. i really enjoy my church that i go to which is Mitchell Church of Christ i can't say enough about it but to break it down we have a great minister (Allen Burris) and youth minster (Gary Spear). i'm always willing to listen or try to help in anyway i can if someone needs to talk or anything really.

My family, I have one younger brother who will be goin to sullivan university next year for cullinary arts which is awsome cause i'll be over at his house a lot for some good eatin. My parents have been married for 21 years which is awsome. I value my family a lot and am truely blessed to have the family i have. My extended family, mommy's side, they all live in Linton, IN except for my papa who lives in Lyons, IN. Uncle Shad is the older of the 2 and he has 3 kids 2 boys and 1 girl and the ages i'm not sure of cause i have to many cousins to remember their ages.Shad is also in the National Gaurd and had to go to Iraq last year which was one of the hardest times of my life cause of the constant worrying and i don't think i've ever been that stressed. Uncle Kevin is married and has 2 boys and again i don't know their ages. My Grandma and Papa are divorced. My Grandma did get remarried a long time ago to Grandpa worral but he died when i was 14 or 15 (8th grade) from a heart attack.

well for now thats all i got to say about "Me" but if u want to know more about me feel free to ask i'll answer pretty much anything for the most part. or u can take a look at this again in the future cause i might add more when i think of stuff or i might just continue to update this one as the years go bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you have entered into the blogging world. The only critique I have is that you should capitalize your 'I's".